So, September is here and the kids are going back to school. My kids are having major difficulty adjusting to the regiment of their home-schooled day. I try to make them understand that being in school for 3 hours is way better then the 8 hours I had to endure growing up. They don't quite get it yet.
But, it made me think that maybe it is time for "us" genealogists to go back to school also. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I just don't have the time to jump into my car, travel to the local Community College, and take a class. I also don't have the cash to fork out for the class or the books. What to do ... what to do??
Did a bit of searching and I found the answer. Free Online Classes in Genealogy! Yeah me!
Brigham Young University has an excellent selection of online courses. These aren't exactly the level 500 classes, but sometimes a refresher is what we need. These are some of the classes they have:
Family History/Genealogy - Introductory
FHGEN 69 — Providing Temple Ordinances for Your Ancestors
FHGEN 70 — Introduction to Family History Research
FHGEN 75 — Writing Family History
FHGEN 80 — Helping Children Love Your Family History
Family History/Genealogy - Record Type
FHREC 71 — Family Records
FHREC 73 — Vital Records
FHREC 76 — Military Records
Family History/Genealogy - Regional and Ethnic
FHFRA 71 — France: Immigrant Origins
FHFRA 72 — France: Vital Records
FHFRA 73 — France: Reading French Handwriting
FHFRA 74 — France: Genealogical Organizations and Periodicals
FHFRA 75 — France: The Internet and French Genealogy
FHFRA 76 — French Research: Paris
FHFRA 77 — French Research: Alsace-Lorraine
FHGER 71 — Germany: Immigrant Origins
FHGER 72 — Germany: U.S. Sources and Surname Changes
FHGER 73 — Germany: Jurisdictions, Gazetteers, and Maps
FHGER 74 — Germany: Reading German Handwriting
FHGER 75 — Germany: Calendars and Feast Days
FHGER 76 — Germany: Vital Records
FHHUG 71 — Huguenot Research
FHSCA 73 — Scandinavia: Jurisdictions, Gazetteers, and Maps
FHSCA 74 — Scandinavia: Reading Gothic Script
FHSCA 75 — Scandinavia: Church Records and Feast Days
FHSCA 76 — Scandinavia: Census Records
FHSCA 77 — Scandinavia: Probate and Other Records
You can find the class lists
Have fun and learn something!

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