Hi there!
Earlier this week I was working on my application into the Mayflower Society. I'm a candidate as my 10th Great Grandfather is Francis Cooke, who married Hester Mayhieu. I always tell my wife, who is a product of pure Canadian bloodlines, that this is MY country, and if she doesn't like it here, she can leave with the rest of the foreigners! Just kidding; just do what I say because I was here first.
Anyhow, I also stumbled upon another site, "The Order of Founders and Patriots", where you had to be directly related to a person who was in this country since 1637 AND had the same line in the Revolutionary War. I started doing some searches on my known ancestors, when I stumbled upon a page showing famous descendants of the Pilgrims.
Some of the people I am now related (through very long roots in the ground) are: Franklin D Roosevelt, the Bush Presidents, Richard Gere, Grandma Moses, and Dick Van Dyke.
Pretty neat, eh? I am now thinking that I should either become an actor, paint, or become president ... what do you think??
October at CGS (updated)
The previous post about October events contained several wrong dates. With
apologies for the errors, the following are the correct dates.
To register or...
3 months ago
Wow that is a lot of connections! I can't wait to hear more about your work with the Mayflower descendancy. I like your blog. Very nice looking :-)
Hi Cousin! My roots also go back to Francis Cooke and Hester Mayhieu!
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