August 4, 1910, Page 10
Miss Lena Uhlmann of 6 Temple street and Frank F. Schlafer of Springfield were married yesterday morning at St. Paul’s Episcopal church, Rev. H. H. Morrill performing the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Minnie Uhlmann, a sister of the bride, and Rudolph Rossing of Springfield. The bride wore a gown of white embroidered batiste and carried white sweet peas. After the church service the bridal party were served with a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. E. F. Beaverstock of 861 Main street. The couple left yesterday afternoon for a short wedding trip and on their return will live at 86 Woodside terrace in Springfield. The bride gave her attendant an opal ring and the groom gave the best man a signet stick pin.
[Editorial note: Lena, in addition to her sisters Minnie and Hattie (Mrs. Beaverstock) had three brothers and four additional sisters. Other surnames associated with this family include Ittner, Beaton and Ward. -- Laurel]
Excerpted from The Springfield Republican.
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